Our Story

Dress to be famous... Dress to impress… Get up, dress up show up… Cliché! If only we had a penny for each time we have heard this.

You do you girl! Now that’s rare. And that is what fashion means to us at Rare It. Anything that you feel good wearing, at every stage of your life.

We are currently leaning into the maternity line and the lack thereof in the Indian fashion scape. The need to fill this gap stems from the designer’s own personal sense of style where she truly believes that no one should have to restrict themselves when it comes to dressing up or dressing down. Coupled with a personal journey of seeing her friends struggle to find clothes during the most magical time of their lives, and the dearth of options available to them.

Our clothes not only reflect the designer’s personal sense of style but are an attempt at instilling growth, restoring positive energy and balance and helping girls everywhere embrace the new beginnings in their life with pomp, joy and confidence.

#Wearit #Rareit